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solo voice


Louis Aguirre:

Oru a olokun (voice with maracas)

Georges Aperghis:

Recitacións pour voix seule:               

Nr. 3 : Un soir de juin 

Nr. 9 : sir 

Nr. 8 : Mai 

Nr. 10: fois / ach 

Nr. 11 : Comme ca! 

Nr. 13 : Kat Ga Mr 

Nr. 14 : inspirer – retenir le plus long possible 


Frauke Aulbert:                   

see: own works

Ignacio Baca Lobera:

Sin titulo (voice and pre-recorded tape)

Joan la Barbara:                    

Voice piece: One note internal resonance investigation 

Cathy Berberian:                   



Alban Berg:                            

Geheime Gesangsstimme from Lyrische Suite 


Luciano Berio:                        

Sequenza III per voce femminile 


Hildegard von Bingen:           

Spiritui sancto, aus: De undecim milibus virginibus 

O virtus sapientie 

Karitas habundat 

Ave generosa 


John Cage:                            


Sonnekus 2 

Nina Dragičević:

USTAVTE SA. Stop (2023) voice, water, performance


Geoffroy Drouin:                    

Via della Croce (s, live-electronics) 2013, UA at Radio France, Festival Présence

L'éloge du manque (voice with extended techniques, live-electronics) 2014, UA at Palais Tokyo, Paris 


Jan Dvorak:                           

Mitschrift (1999) 

Erin Gee:

Mouth piece 30, 2017, UA


Vinko Globokar:                      

Jenseits der Sicherheit 


Sofia Gubaidulina:                 

Aus den Visionen von Hildegard von Bingen 


Adriana Hölzsky:                    

Monolog (female voice with timpani) 

Eloain Lovis Hübner:

Mehrfachbelichtete Melodramen (voice, live-electronics, tape, video) 2017, UA

Gordon Kampe:

Lippenlied (voice, live-video) 2017, UA

Marcia Lemke-Kern:

Museum (2000) for voice and live-electronics


Matthias Kaul:                        

Silence is my voice (voice, mouth speaker, tape) 


Michael Maierhof:                   

Daily Songs III (voice, voice-modulator and tape) 2012, UA 

Meredith Monk:


Brigitta Muntendorf:

Bright No More. Public Privay #6 (voice, effect pedal, tape, video) 2017, UA

Luigi Nono:                             

La Fabbrica Illuminata, recorded for RAI archives in 2014 

Enno Poppe:



Daniel Puig:                           

ecolocacao/Echoortung (voice with overtone-singing and live-electronics) 


Uwe Rasch:

24/16 (Bewegungsperformance mit großen Flügeln)

Aribert Reimann:                     

Parergon I und II zu Melusine 

Mathis Saunier:

Cannibal (voice, tape)


Zesses Seglias:                     

lonesingness, 2010, UA 


Giacinto Scelsi:                      


Sauh I, Sauh II (with tape) 



Alexander Schubert:              

Your Fox’s, a Dirty Gold (for one performer with voice, motion sensors, e-gtr, live-electronics and light) 2011, UA


Erwin Schulhoff:

Sonata Erotica (1919) performance


Kurt Schwitters:                      



Charlotte Seither:                   

Echoes of O's 

The long Distance from One to Zero, 2012, UA 

Frederik Schwenk:                  

Agur spricht 


Jennifer Walshe:                    

G.L.O.R.I.  (first performance after the composer) 

(your name here) performance for voice with violin, shadow play, small instruments and tape (first performance after the composer) 


Oswald von Wolkenstein:     

Ain tunckle farb 

Es fugt sich 

Die mynne füget nyemand 

Li-Ying Wu:

Luciad Air, 2017, UA


Ge-Suk Yeo:                          



Gilbert Amy:                          

D'un désastre obscur (mz, cl in A)  

Laurie Anderson:

Langue d'amour (voice with vocoder, e-piano)


Antonio Anichini:                     

Canti dall'orrizzonte (s, gtr) UA 


Georges Aperghis:                 

Rondo (s, mz) 

Cinq Couplets (s, contrabass-cl) 


Jurai Benes:                           

Haiku (s, cimbalom) 


Luciano Berio:                        

Altra Voce (s, fl, electronics) 


Sylvano Bussotti:                  

Ultima Rara, pop song (voice, git) 


John Cage:                            

Litany for the whale (two voices)  

DreamAria – Music Circus (1967)

Francisco Castillo-Trigueros:

En la orilla gris (voice, flute, live-electronics) 2016, UA


Sivan Cohen-Elias:               

Shtekede (two voices)  


Paul Dessau:                         

Kinderlieder (s, gtr) 

Tierverse (s, gtr)

Liebeslieder (s, gtr) 

Vier Lieder des Glücksgotts (s, gtr)

Milica Djordjevic:

I ti Hoces da se Volimo – So you want us to love each other (voice, acc)

Manuel de Falla:                     

Siete Canciones Populares Espanolas (s, gtr)  


Stefan Hakenberg:                 

Two Greek Songs (a, gtr) 

Ithaka (s, gtr) 2015, UA

Arnulf Herrmann:

Rockabye in C (s, kbclar)

Nomi Epstein:

for Collect/Project (voice, fl, live-electronics) 2016, UA

Sigrid Ernst:

Das Signal (2012) for speaker and organ


Nathalie Fey Yen Herres:       

Teagmháil (s, mz, 3 glasses, bodhran-drum) 2008, UA 


Juliana Hodkinson and Niels Rønsholdt:

X&X (two perfomers with voice, piano and requisits) 2017, UA

Michael Finnissey:                 

Two Motets (s, gtr)


Arturo Fuentes:                       

Ovid (s, gtr)

Ovid II (s, gtr) 2015, UA 


Beat Furrer:                            

Auf tönernen Füssen (s, fl) 

Lotófagos (s, db) 


Burkhard Friedrich:                  

Metrostation (voice, e-gtr, video) 

Fojan Gharibnejad:

Hysteron (2023, UA), for 2 performer with voice, movement, costumes, object

Tatiana Gerasimenok:

Sancti666/Six of Wands (two performers with voice, body, video, air freshener) 2021, UA


Hermann Heiß:                       

Galgenlieder (s, fl) 

Laure M. Hiendl:

Three songs (2024) for 2 voices


Toshio Hosokawa:                 

Renka (s, gtr)


Neo Hülcker:                      

Wann nie dann aber jetzt (S, Mz) 2008, UA 
Kleinigkeiten (voice, percussion, tape) 2011, UA 


Jaques Ibert:                          

Deux stéles orientèes (s, fl) 


Thomas Jahn :                      

Amherst’s Summer. 6 Lieder nach Gedichten von Emily Dickinson (s, gtr) 1992


György Kurtág:                      

Kafka Fragmente (s, vn) complete cycle 


Morgan Krauss:                      

Child of the mandrake (s,fl) 2015, UA 


Johannes Kreidler:                 

The Knots (two voices) 2013, UA 


Bernhard Lang:                      

DW 15, Aus den Gesängen der ersten Dämonen (voice, zith) 

Epilog (voice, acc)

Klaus Lang:

Das kaum wahrnehmbare Lächeln Dostojewskis (1997/98) for female voice and organ

Marcelo F. Lazcano:

Aphasia (2023) for 2 performer with voice, acting


Konrad Lechner:                     

Drei Gedichte von Hans Magnus Enzenberger (voice, fl) 


Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf:      

Finite Jest (s, fl) 2014, UA 


Cathy Milliken:                       

Wendengesang (voice, vn) 2016, UA at Mecklenburgische Festspiele


Christine McCombe:              

Halcyon (voice, gtr) 

From Violent Clouds (voice, fl, tape) 2016, UA at Resonat Bodies Festival New York

Thea Musgrave:

A La Esperanza (1998) for soprano and organ

Per Nørgård:

2 Sange fra Aftenland (2006) for soprano and organ


Brigitta Muntendorf:

Body tracks (2024) for 2 performers with voice, movement, performance, video, tape, flags, paint

Harald Münz:                          

Parkfiguren (voice, recitation) 

Sarah Nemtsov:

D’un femme, of a women (2015/2021) UA of the new version for soprano and synthesizer 


Donghee Nam:                       

Zwei Stimmen (s, mz, glasses, melodica) 2008, UA 

Maja Ratkje:

3 Tangos (voice, acc)

Betty Roe:                             

Mouse (s, db) 
An appeal to cats in the business of love 


Albert Roussel:                      

Deux poemes de Ronsard (s, fl) 

Kaija Saariaho:                       

From the Grammar of Dreams (s, mz) 

François Sarhan:

27 One Second Songs (voice, acc), 2018, UA


Dieter Schnebel:                    

Lamento di guerra (contralto, organ, synthesizer or acc) 

Ruth Schonthal:

These are the days, from Seven Songs of Love and Sorrow (1977) voice and organ


Wolfgang Andreas Schultz:   

Sharakan (s, vn) 

Matthew Shlomowitz:            

LP #4 (for two performers) 


Fernando Sor:                        

Canciones (s, gtr)


Sebastian Sprenger:             

Ego dormio (s, monochord) 2008, UA  


Simon Steen-Andersen:         

In her frown (two performers) 


Karlheinz Stockhausen:         

In the sky I am walking. Indianerlieder (two singers)*

*the performance received the first price of the Stockhausen foundation in 2009 


Dimitri Terzakis:                      

Sappho-Fragmente (voice, cimbalom or pf) 

Der Hölle Nachklang ll (1992/93) for hight voice and organ

Heitor Villa-Lobos:

3 canciones (s, vl)

vocal trio

Alyssa Aska

Cycle C (2018) for 3 voices with or without objects

Juhi Bansal

Stinging, ringing bells (2018) for 3 voices

Kari Besharse

Paulus (2015) for 3 voices

Danny Clay 

Rose of Sharon (2021) for 3 voices and wine glasses

Anna Clementi

Warmer Magen (warmweich) (2021) amplified voices, gestures, tape

Martin Daske

less or more (2024) for 3 voices and electronic**

Hanna Eimermacher 

Dreamers (2024) for 3 performers**

Alexandra Filonenko

Schaufensterpuppen (2021) for 3 female voices and tape

Jürgen Grözinger

Drei Erinnyen (2021) 3 voice performer

Katia Guedes

Baggage, garbage (2021) 3 female voices and electronic

Alisa Kobzar

S (2013)

Polina Korobkova 

Бы [biy]: eternal mantra for three fair maidens (2019) for two sopranos and mezzo

Anna Korsun

I hear voices (2013)

Olga Krashenko

Song-Line (2010)

Marina Lukashevich

Davor und Danach (2024)**

Kristia Michael

Home is there (2020)

Misato Mochizuki:                   

Halai (s, s, mz) 

Samir Odeh-Tamimi

Jarich (2014) for 3 female singers

Natalia Pschenitschnikova 

Unkraut (2021) 3 voices and 3 Smartphones

Kaspar Querfurth

Was all die Zeit (2024) for 3 female voices**

Laurie Schwartz

From the Inscrutable Incantations of Morgan le Fay_03 (2019/21) for 3 voices

Charlotte Seither

Echoes of O's (2007) for one or more performers or any movable entities

Samuel Tramin

Stop! But run! A portrait of the artist as a not young man (2024) for 3 voices and tape**


​Sarvenaz Safari

Thirty Seconds for Three Voices (2022)

vocal trio
duos with piano

music theater

Georges Aperghis:                 

Zeugen (s, cl, sax, acc, cymbalom, pf) 

Ann Cleare:

MIDHE (2023, UA) coloratura soprano, mezzo soprano, barition, accordion, choir, orchestera


Peter Maxwill Davies:           

Miss Donnithorne’s Maggot (Miss Donnithorne) (s, fl, cl, vn, vc, pf) 


Daniel Dominguez:                 

Rinde statt Haut (performer, video) 2013, UA 

Zero Decibels (installation-performance) 2017, UA

Voices (2023, UA)


Cat Hope:


Ole Hübner:                           

Die Irrfahrten des Odysseus (2015) UA at Deutsche Oper Berlin


Miika Hyytiainen:                   

Aikainen (s, s, fl, cl, pf, vn, va, video) 2014, UA 


Mauricio Kagel: Hu-Man

adaption/creation by Opera Lab Berlin: HU-MAN-Orchestra

Heera Kim:                             

Mono (voice, traditional perc, electronics, light) 2015, UA at Lig Art Hall, Seoul


Michael Maierhof:                   

EXIT G (Karolina), 2015, UA  at Opera Stabile Hamburg 


Sergej Maingart:

BLUR (Cloud), 2018, UA

Opera Silens:

Josefine singt

Opera Silens:

Neurovisions. Eine gesamteuropäische Touretterie

Opera Silens:


Iris ter Schiphorst:

Undine geht (2022, UA, Taschenopernfestival Salzburg)

Daniel Puig:                            

Daily (voice) 2012, UA at UFRJ Rio de Janeiro 


Arnold Schönberg:                 

Pierrot Lunaire, scenic version with DissonArt Ensemble at Onassis Cultural Centre Athens (2016)


Jagoda Szmytka:                   

LOST (2015) UA at Festival Warsaw Autum 

Manos Tsangaris:

Es geht voran (2019) UA at Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik

Manos Tsangaris:




music theatre


Peter Ablinger:            

Black series 


Georges Aperghis:                 

Sept crimes de l'amour (s, cl, perc) 


Luciano Berio:                        

Folksongs (mz, fl, cl, gtr, perc, va, vc)


Pierluigi Billone:                      

Quattro Alberi (vc, bn, acc, perc)


Dusan Bogdanovic:               

Pure Land (s, fl, gtr)


John Cage:                            

Songbooks (any number of singers) 

Five (flexible instrumentation

Fontana Mix 

Forever and Sunsmell (voice, 2 perc) 


Cornelius Cardew:                 

The great learning (Part II) (3 singers, 3 perc)


Jean-Pierre Caron:                 



Catalin Cretu:                         

Urban alchemy (s, ensemble) 2007, UA 


Steven Daverson:                 

Pegasus (s, cl, vc, e-zith, pf, perc, tape) 2014, UA


Benjamin de la Fuente:           

Insecure Sound (for Decoder Ensemble) 2016, UA 

Louis d'Heudieres:

Doublings** (2024) ensemble and voice

Cat Hope:

Speechless (2023-version) for 4 voices, choir and ensemble

Brian DuFord:                         

Lady Lazarus (s, fl, gtr) 2014, UA 


Gerald Eckert:                         

Tratto (s, cl, va, perc) 


Xiao Fu:                                 

Felsen in der Brandung (s, cl, vc, e-zith, pf, perc, live-electronics, tape) 2015, UA 


Sofia Gubaidulina:                 

Galgenlieder à 3 (mz, db, perc)


Hans-Joachim Hespos:         

Mirli (two voices, ensemble) 


Adriana Hölszky:             kamen schwarze Vögel... (5 female voices) 

Vampirabile (5 female voices) 


Eloain Lovis Hübner:                           

Capital City Crying (voice, perc, tape) 2010, UA 


Neo Hülcker:                        

Im Zimmer der Staub (s, e-gtr, pf) 2006, UA 

ASMR*Contemporary Music (for Decoder Ensemble) 2015, UA 

I'm in your bodies (for Collect/Project), 2018, UA

Tímea Hvozdíková:

Pyro** (2024) for voice and ensemble

Miika Hyyiäinen:                    

Jollainen (flexible instrumentation), UA 


Thomas Jahn:                        

Vocalise (2009) (s, alt-sax, pf) UA 


Marisol Jímenez:                    

Caro Cibus (voice, cl, e-zith, vc, pf, electronics) 2013, UA 


Gordon Kampe:                      

Chamäleontheorie (voice, cl, pf, tape) 2013, UA 

Nischenmusik mit Klopfgeistern (voice, cl, e-zith, pf, perc, electronics) 2013, UA

Schwarze Lieder nebst einer Moritat (v, fl, acc) 2016, UA at Radialsystem Berlin 


Georg Katzer:             

La fabbrica abbandonata (recitation, soprano, ensemble)


Andrej Koroliov:                     

Sei du Gesang mein freundlich Asyl (voice, cl, e-zith, pf) 2011, UA 

Like my domination (voice, cl, e-zith, pf, perc, tape) 2013, UA 


Thorsten Kuhn:                      

Hymn to the City (s, gtr, pf) 2012, UA 


Sanja Lasic:                           

Itching (4 vocalists) UA at Festival Novalia, Croatia 


Matthias Leboucher:              

Bilder in Bildern (voice, fl, acc) 2016, UA at Radialsystem Berlin 


Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf:

Ukraine-Tryprichon** (2024) for solo soprano, cymbalon, e-guitar and orchestra

Mela Meierhans:                    

Canthus to Canthus (voice, tape, flexible ensemble) 


René Mense:                         

Missa pro defunctis (Requiem) 

(soprano coloratura, choir, ensemble) 2012, UA


Brigitta Muntendorf:                

Play me back and forth (for Decoder Ensemble) 2015, UA


Per Nørgard:                           

Two Songs: A Kill, How SIlversweet Sounds (voice, vc, pf) 


Ivana Ognjanovic:                 

Wreck of Silence (s, vc, pf, tape) 2015, UA 


Kumiko Omura:                       

ancient flowers II (voice, fl, acc) 2016, UA at Radialsystem Berlin


Karin Rehnqvist:                    

David's Nimm (s, s, mz) 


Terry Riley:                            

In C (any ensemble) 


Frederic Rzewski:                   

Coming together 


Kaija Saariaho:                       

Mirage (s, vc, pf) 


Arnold Schönberg:                 

Herzgewächse op. 20 (s, harm, hp, cel) 

Pierrot lunaire 


Matthew Shlomowitz:            

Letter Piece No.8 – ‘Sit Up Stand Down’ (3 Perfomer) 


Samuel Sighicelli:                   

Mescaline (for Decoder Ensemble and Caravaggio) 2016, UA


Natalia Solomonoff:                

Raunächte (s, fl, cl, vn, vc, pf) 2012, UA 


Louis Spohr:                          

6 deutsche Lieder op. 103 (s, cl, pf) 


Sebastian Sprenger:             

Simeni chachotam (s, perc, vc, pf) 2008, UA 


Karlheinz Stockhausen:         

STIMMUNG (six vocalists)


Jagoda Szmytka:                   

Sky me - type me (four vocalists) 


Christopher Trapani:              

Hafenlieder (voice, fl, acc) 2016, UA at Radialsystem Berlin 

Wolfgang Rihm:                      

Das Namenlose (high s, cl, pf) 

Lady Lazarus (high s, cl, pf) 


Jennifer Walshe:

My Extensive Relationship with Mr Stephen Patrick M.

Anton Webern:                       

Die Sonne 


Christian Wolf:                       


Where, 2016, UA 


duos with piano



Simon Andresen:                    

Die Schöne, 2009, UA 


Artur Avanesov:                     

Ave Maria 


Bela Bartok:                           



John Cage:                            

Wonderful widow of eighteen springs 

A Flower 

5 Songs for Contralto


Victor Alexandru Coltea:         

Cantecul monstrului di Loch Ness, 2012, UA 


George Crumb:                      



Paul-Heinz Dittrich:                 

Vier Lieder 


Emmanuel Filet:                      

6 haï kaï (2006) 


Moritz Eggert:                         

I, phone (s, pn, assistant, 3 mobile phones) 

Don Juan 


Allain Gaussin:                       

L'aphorisme de Cioran 


Goce Gavrilovski:                  

Daj Duni 


Aram Hovhannisyan:            

Drei Instanzen, 2012, UA part II 


Neo Hülcker:            



Gordon Kampe:                      



Mehdi Kazerouni:                   

Les gouttes suspendues de l'Heure II (2011) 


Felicitas Kukuck:                     



György Kurtág:                      

Drei alte Inschriften 


Andrej Koroliov:                     

The half eaten saussage would like to see you in his office (voice, pf, tape) 2013, UA 


Michael Maierhof:                   

Daily Songs 


René Mense:                         

Vier Lieder, UA 


Olivier Messiaen:                   

Chants de terre et de ciel (1938) 



Isabel Mundry:                       

Anagram (2000) 


Aribert Reimann:                     



Michèle Reverdy:                   

De l’ironie contre l’absurdité du monde (2009) 


Wolfgang Rihm:                      

Das Rot 


Katharina Rosenberger:

Dying is fine (1998)

Peter Ruzicka:            

Vier Gesänge 


François Sarhan:                    

Wiigen=Lied pour soprano et piano (2004) 


Amir Shpilman:                       



Manfred Stahnke:                   

Zwei dunke Chansons, UA 


Friedrich Schenker:                 

Kantate: Leitfaden für angehende Speichellecker)


Arnold Schönberg:                 


Das Buch der Hängenden Gärten (excerpts) 


Martin Schüttler:                     

taped & low bit (voice, sythesizer) 


Toru Takemitsu:                     

Chiisana Sora  

Stefan Wolpe:                        

An Anna Blume 


Dafina Zeqiri:                          

When you come 

20th century



Samuel Barber:                      



Alban Berg:                            

Sieben frühe Lieder 
Schliesse mir die Augen beide (1907, 1925) 

Benjamin Britten:                    

The last rose of summer 


Claude Debussy:                  

Ariettes oublieés 



Anton Garcia Abril:                 

Tres nanas 

Canciones de juventud 

Cancion de anillos 

Agua me  daban a mi 

No por amor no por tristeza 

Dos canciones de juventud 


Friedrich Holländer:                 


Die Kleptomanin 

Ich bin von Kopf bis Fuß auf Liebe eingestellt 


Maurice Ravel:                       

La flute enchantée 


Chanson espanol 


Joaquin Rodrigo:                    

Canciones amatorias 


Pablo Sorozabal:                   

Black, el payaso 

No corté más que una rosa 


Richard Strauss:                    



Kurt Weill:                               


Je ne t’aime pas 


Nana’s Lied 




assortment of songs by


Johannes Brahms, Eduardo di Capua, Gabriel Faure, Edvard Grieg, Felix Mendelssohn, Gioachino Rossini, Camile Saent-Saens, Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Hugo Wolf




assortment of songs by


Ludwig van Beethoven, W.A. Mozart, Giulio Caccini, Antonio Caldara, Antonio Cesti, John Dowland, Giovanni Paisiello, Alessandro Scarlatti  


oratorio / passion / cantata


Johann Sebastian Bach:       

Kantate 51: Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen (extracts)
Kaffeekantate: Ei, wie schmeckt der Kaffee süsse
Kantate 31: Der Himmel lacht, die Erde jubilieret


Benjamin Britten:                    

Rejoice in the Lamb


Cesar Franck:                         

Panis angelicus


Gabriel Faure:                        



Joseph Haydn:                      

Die Schöpfung


W.A. Mozart:                          

Exultate, jubilate (extracts)


Carl Orff:                                

Carmina burana


G. B. Pergolesi:                      

Stabat mater


G. Phillip Telemann:               

Siehe, das ist Gottes Lamm (Kantate Nr. 193)

music theater | arias of

W. A.  Mozart:                        

Cosi fan tutte (Despina)
Die Entführung aus dem Serail (Blondchen)
Don Giovanni (Zerlina)
Die Zauberflöte (1.Dame, Königin der Nacht)


Jaques Offenbach:                

Les contes d'Hoffmann (Olympia)


Pablo Sorozabal:                   

Katjuska la mujer rusa (Katjuska)


Johann Strauss:                    

Die Fledermaus (Adele)


Carl Maria von Weber:          

Der Freischütz (Ännchen)

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fotos: Richard Stoehr,

Gerhard Kühne

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